Scottish Fold Made It Highest Rank Most Popular Cat In Japan Base On Anicom Popular Cat Breed Ranking Data
According to the 2020 rankings, The Scottish Fold was the most popular cat breed in Japan for 12 consecutive years. In a list compiled by pet insurance company Anicom, the top three varieties such as Scottish Fold, Munchkins, and American Short Hair were overwhelmingly popular, accounting for about 40% of all cat ownership.
Most Popular Cat Breed Rank In Japan 2020
- Scottish fold 18.1%
- Munchkin 11.2%
- American shorthair 9.9%
- Mixed breed 9.4%
- Norwegian forest cat 7.3%
- British shorthair 6.5%
- Ragdoll 5.0%
- Bengal 4.5%
- Maine coon 3.4%
- Russian blue 3.3%
Look at the most popular cat breed rank in Japan 2020 on the table view:
No. | Cat Breed | Percentage |
1 | Scottish fold | 18.1% |
2 | Munchkin | 11.2% |
3 | American shorthair | 9.9% |
4 | Mixed breed | 9.4% |
5 | Norwegian forest cat | 7.3% |
6 | British shorthair | 6.5% |
7 | Ragdoll | 5.0% |
8 | Bengal | 4.5% |
9 | Maine coon | 3.4% |
10 | Russian blue | 3.3% |
Based on data from the Anicom Popular Cat Breed Ranking 2020.
Read more about popular cat rank in Asian
The most popular name for cats was Mugi, with 2nd place and male cats fifth. The name has the meaning of “wheat” in Japanese, so it fits perfectly with the brown cat. Other common names include Momo (peach) for female cats and Sora (sky) for male cats.
Most Popular Cat Name In Japan 2020
No. | Male | Female | Overall |
1 | Leo | Momo | Mugi |
2 | Maru | Mugi | Leo |
3 | Maru | Coco | Sora |
4 | Mugi | Rin | Maru |
5 | Kotetsu | Kinako | Coco |
Based on data from the Anicom Popular Cat Breed Ranking 2020.
Watch the cat mating video here
In Japan, it was once considered normal for cats to move freely indoors. Pet cats can walk outside in the morning and go to a neighbor’s yard to get treatment and fight stray people. However, after advising that cats be kept inside to protect cats from possible accidents or illnesses, Anicom Insurance says 99.5% are exclusively indoor pets.
Recent goods on the market for owners who leave the house to monitor their cat’s well-being include sensors and small cameras. Notably, one high-tech toilet automatically films the cat when it enters, can measure its weight, urine volume, and interval of excretion, and includes a device to monitor early symptoms of such illnesses as chronic kidney disease and chronic renal failure.
Read more about The most popular cat in Russia
Cat Fight Video:
The era when cats could roam free has come to an end. With surveillance extending even to the toilet, cats have almost no moments of privacy.
Read more about Wild Asian Leopard Cat
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