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Hermit Crab Shells and It Facts Actually They Are Different Each Other

Hermit Crab Shells

Hermit Crab Shells
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Hermit crabs are decapod crustaceans of the superfamily Paguroidea. They are having crab within unique behavior, especially on uses shells. In fact, Hermit crab shells are portable shells they have substituted with other hermit crabs to change their shell.

What happens when one hermit crab was grown and their shell is too small they usually find other shells from environmental resources like a dead sea snail shell. The shells they reused empty abandoned shells it must fight with another hermit crab to wrest A better shell, watch this video of how they did it.

Hermit crab Footage:



There are 1,110 species of hermit crabs, each of which utilizes shells from deceased sea snails or other objects to protect their vulnerable abdomens. While we often encounter them on land or solid surfaces, hermit crabs cannot stray far from areas with humidity as they rely on water.

Although hermit crabs appear to possess their own shells, they are actually borrowing them from others. If you are interested in learning more about these fascinating creatures, here are some intriguing facts about hermit crabs that can provide valuable information.

  • Hermit crabs can live for 15 – 20 years and some hermit crabs can reach 12 – 70 years depending on their species like Coenobita brevimanus.


  • Hermit crabs use other snail shells to cover their soft abdomen. They usually use a sea snail shell suit for its strong enough to cover hermit crabs.


  • All hermit crab when it wants to mate must be underwater on the sea.


  • Male hermit crabs when they want a good shell must be a steal from another hermit crab to get a better shell that needs more energy to fight each other. Who wins it deserves to get a better shell.


  • The hermit crab has 10 legs within 2 large claws that left claw is large the right is for defending function, weapon fighting others,s and for tearing food.


  • The hermit crab has a soft abdomen that is asymmetrical.


  • Female Hermit crab usually carried 200 eggs on their abdomen until hatch. The larvae after hatching float on the sea surface at a week's age and then transform in several stages before to be a young hermit crab. The young hermit crab has to find the suit shell before leaving underwater and beginning a new life on the ground on the beach.


  • The hermit crab has two eyes that appear on top like the shrimp eye and has two stalks as an antenna for sensory organs.


  • Marine hermit crabs and Land hermit crab use gills for breathing. Although both hermit crabs are almost similar species they are different on survive the land hermit crab that can survive on land but need humidity conditions. Land hermit crabs can’t breathe underwater even though breathe gills.


  • A hermit crab is a nocturnal animal that searches for food at night although we can find them during the day they are more active at night.


  • The hermit crab usually finds solitary animals in fact they are living with a large colony that reaches about 100 animals.


  • A hermit crab is an omnivore animal that eats almost all things such as fish vegetables and all sea animal stuff can be their diet.


  • Like an insect hermit crab also has molt the adult hermit crab molt every 18 mounts the young hermit crab molts a month once.


  • Hermit crabs grow from one shell to another shell they find out that shell depends on their body size.
hermit crab facts
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We believe that are a lot of things about hermit crab facts may we haven’t yet information. But, at least we have some valuable information about hermit crabs where we know and have a little bit of a change perspective about hermit crabs, particularly about their facts.

Watch Hermit Crab Video

Hermit Crab Pet

Many people make hermit crabs a pet because they hermit crab can be living in captivity. They are so easy to take care of in captivity they are omnivore animals that are so easy to feed hermit crab diet are all sea animals like fish and also a vegetable which is why making hermit crab a pet is so cute.
We can create a tiny environment for a hermit crab-like aquarium and soil with a balanced temperature needed for the hermit crab the hermit crab needs humidity air in an aquarium.


Never Buy Hermit Crab

When we visit a store that sells hermit crabs and decide to purchase one as a pet, we might be surprised to find that they never seem to grow, even when provided with ample food. The truth is, hermit crabs have a slow growth rate that spans over several years, which is why they are not well-suited for home environments as pets.

Captive hermit crab cage

Hermit crab shells need from another snail usual pet stores sell plastic shells for them that may be harmful to it. At the store, usually, hermit crab was coloring for interest purpose

In many countries, hermit crabs are captured from their natural habitats and confined to small, aquarium-like enclosures for the purpose of profit. This practice poses potential harm to the well-being of hermit crabs.

Regardless of providing an adequate amount of food, hermit crabs require access to saltwater and a sufficiently humid environment to thrive. They need occasional watering, submerging themselves underwater, and the opportunity to move on land to join their colony. Unfortunately, these essential elements are often absent in captivity.

Hermit Crab video:

7 reasons why never buy hermit crab as a pet:

  • Hermit crabs reuse other sea snail shells to cover their soft abdomens from water and predator. Snail shells can be anti or can be toxic to protect their life.


  • When hermit crab was a pet they did not get a perfect shell. Usually, hermit crabs in stores change their nature shell to plastic shells which makes it easier to fall ill and died. So. That is why wild hermit crab reusing snail shells to cover their soft organs don’t use their life for profit.

Hermit crab with plastic shell
  • A hermit crab is a social creature that thrives in a colony. They rely on companionship and spend their days engaging in activities such as climbing, sleeping, and searching for food alongside hundreds of their fellow crabs. Therefore, we should not underestimate the importance of their contented existence by dismissing it as mere amusement.


  • Usually, hermit crabs were sold in pet stores they are taken by nature life or wild habitat. Hermit crabs rarely breed in captivity.


  • Hermit crab lives to reach 15-72 years in wild habitats. But as a pet, after you purchase they may, can live about months.


  • By purchasing hermit crabs, you inadvertently contribute to the depletion of exotic animals in their natural habitats. This demand for hermit crabs can lead to a significant reduction, approximately 30%, in their population within their native habitats. It is crucial to recognize that this demand creates an incentive for the exploitation of hermit crabs.


  • In captivity or as a pet hermit crabs can die slowly because they need a more humid environment. All hermit crab breathes with gills that why humidity air is important for them. In real when we see them like normally in a shelter actually they were dying then will dead view days.


  • The hermit crab has a molting process when the body grows up. They need a large and special space for it like deep dump sand to order molt skin. So, when they did not have an appropriate place may they can’t be a molting process that makes them die and die.


  • As pets, even we provide a place like real habitat. That is not enough may we just provide 30% for it like a real habitat that not enough yet.

Hermit Crab Video:

How can you help hermit crabs?

If you have hermit crab as a pet just release them into their habitat and never buy hermit crab they do not pet animals and can’t live in a small place even a shelter or cage.

It is important to refrain from purchasing hermit crabs with the intention of keeping them in cramped enclosures, even if we have an affection for them akin to that of a child. It is simply not possible to provide them with the level of happiness they experience in their natural habitat. Therefore, it is advised to never buy a hermit crab as a pet.

If you happen to have a hermit crab in captivity, seek guidance from a veterinarian to ensure proper care for them. It is crucial not to release captive hermit crabs into the wild, as they lack the necessary skills to survive in such an environment.
