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Black Male Cat Playing With Stone Crab Below Bridge

Black Male Cat Playing With Stone Crab

Cat is curious about animal behavior about move thing even its crab. The black male cat filming on it was playing with stone crab.

Black Male Cat
Black Male Cat and Crab

The crab moves to close almost touch the cat and the cat looks like ignoring it on the moment but on view second later when the crab move runs the cat reflect to chase crab. The crab defense position is ready to fight the cat back.

At that time the black male cat is not serious to be crab for its prey may he is not hungry enough at that moment just want to play with the crab. View moment later the crab jumps to water soon to save its life before the cat is hungry.

I try to touch it with a stick the crab always ready to defend itself.

#Here is the video male black cat playing with a stone crab.

After playing with the crab the cat just asks me for feed and I went to take some dry fish to give to the black cat. Unbelievable the black cat didn’t eat the dry fish that make sense may the dry fish is not good to smell enough.
The male black cat life therein under the bridge may the fish is the common food for him that why he want some different. The crab is also not for his food just to play for fun.