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Eagle Survived Collision with Car: Susan And Martin Visited The Utah Department of Wildlife Services To Drop Off Two Golden Eagles

On 6 January 2020, Susan and Martin visited the Utah Department of Wildlife Services to drop two golden eagles that did not survive. He also took the Golden eagle that collided with the car.

The eagle was originally found lying on his side on the road. The Eagle was heading to the street and woke up a little and was picked up by Utah’s Department of Wildlife Services and Martin was summoned. At first glance, Martin saw that the Eagles on the head were very hit and the eyes looked very bad.

Eagles have been completely subjugated and subjugated for such a serious injury. Martin does not think Eagle will survive. It took day by day, not until six days later that Martin had some positive signs of recovery. The Eagles start to stand and eat themselves.

On February 21, the Eagle was re-released into nature. This eagle was last rescued with our old Subaru Prelude and will be released with the first new introduction.

Watch the eagle video:
