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Hair Cat Fall Off Causes How To Know It and Treatment

Cat hair loss or in a medical term called alopecia is one of the most common cat diseases. This disease disorder will slightly affect the appearance and health of our cats. If we don’t handle it immediately, being feared can harm our cat’s life as scabies on cats.

There are many factors causing cats to lose their fur because of their loss. Some are considered normal causes, but some indicate serious illness. Cat feathers are an important part of the cat’s organ because it can regulate the temperature of the cat body that adapts to the environment.

Causes of cat feather loss

Most of the hair loss disease strikes cats that have medium to dense feathers, but there are also no fur cats at risk of experiencing this disorder. Most of the conditions that cause cats to fall out are in the following discussion although there are some that may rarely occur due to certain geographical factors. The causes of cats falling feathers are:

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia Areata is a condition in which an autoimmune disorder occurs in cats. Symptoms are usually hair loss that produces baldness in the head, neck, and body. Although the baldness occurred, the cat himself did not experience itching.

Allergy and irritant contact Dermatitis

Allergies are one of the most common causes of cat hair loss. The allergic reaction occurs after the cat’s skin is exposed by antibiotics applied to the skin or because of the ingredients that irritate the skin of the cat. Conditions like this make the cat require a lot of light exposure.

Common symptoms in this allergy are usually red skin and the presence of skin lumps that may be accompanied by abrasions on the surface of the skin. The feathers that fall in this case cause itching in the cat and its brininess condition is very chronic.


Skin diseases of the cat are caused by allergic reactions to what is inhalation of cats. Usually objects those cause cat allergies when inhalation is mites, house dust, fungi, and pollen. The symptoms that often arise are hives, redness of the fur that falls, inflamed ears and affects the behavior of the cat so often licking his feet.

Bacterial infections (Pyoderma)

The cause of the cat feather is also common in the presence of bacterial/pyoderma infections. Usually, this bacterial infection also results in other conditions such as exposed parasites, allergic and hormonal disorders. We need to take our cat to the doctor immediately for further handling.


Chemotherapy is a normal cause of cat loss and requires a lot of caring cat owners. Every cat in chemo will surely lose his fur or at least the feather becomes very thin. To keep the cat warm, try to always put it in a not too hot place and Moist.

Cheyletiella Mange/Rabbit mites

Cheyletiella mites are mites that are often in the fur of rabbits. A lot of rabbits are suffering from these mites. Unfortunately, this mite can also attack cats are causing the infection so that it makes the cat feather fall. The symptoms are itching if the severe infection can make the cat’s hair fall out.

Congenital hypertrichosis

It is a condition where cats are experiencing a loss due to congenital factors from birth. The symptoms can be seen since the cats are still small. Kittens born with conditions a feather that is very rare or arguably a cat without feathers. When the fur starts to grow, they will lose their fur again when the age turns 4 months.

Cushing’s disease (Hyperadrenocorticism)

Cat hair loss is caused by an increase in corticosteroids in the cat body. This increase can occur due to high dose side effects of therapy that use corticosteroids or can also be because of the high production of corticosteroids in the cat body. The symptoms that often arise in Cushing disease are easy bruising, thinning of the skin, hyperpigmentation, hair loss, and the appearance of physically lethargic.

Demodectic Scabies

Cats are also in experiencing fur loss caused by demodectic scabies attacks. These scabies can cause infections of cat skin. Usually scabies this demodectic attack cat that has a low immune system. Symptoms that often arise because of this scurvy attack are hair loss, redness, and itching.

Drug reactions and injections

Cat fur can also occur due to skin reactions to medications, both by mouth and by Saleb. Cat Feather start to fall out usually after the drug use 2 weekly hoses.

The symptoms of the cat’s wool fur can be various such as itching, redness of the skin, ulcers, swelling and wound drying. These common symptoms occur when using drugs such as penicillins, Sulfonamides, and cephalosporins.

Erythema Multiforme

The problem of cat feather loss caused by hypersensitivity reactions to infections or medications. This type of disturbance can also occur due to cancer or other interrelated diseases. Usually, cats that experience this disorder will have signs such as lesions of the mouth, ears, crotch and axillary. Other symptoms that may arise are depression and fever.

Facial (Preauricular) Alopecia

It is a hair loss that sits on the top of the eyes. It is a normal condition where the cat will lose the hair density between the eyes and

Ears. This kind of condition should be known by the owner of cats that have short and dark hair. This is because of almost most dark-haired cats and short hair loss when aged 14 to 20 months.


Cat feather loss can also be caused by the presence of hair follicle infections. This kind of disorder usually occurs in the face, neck, and head of the cat. Infection this hair follicle is caused by developing and open pustules forming the crust. This could cause the cats to itch and to experience loss.

Food allergies

Food may also cause cats to experience hair loss. Allergic reactions to these foods can vary widely, could not be suitable or because there is the specific substance contained in the meal thus causing allergies. The resulting Gelaja includes the habit of cats licking legs, infection occurs on a cat’s skin that can be seen from red spots or inflamed ear conditions.

Cat feather loss while pregnant and breastfeeding cats experiencing hair loss can also occur during pregnancy or nursing cats. The situation is very common for pregnant cat owners. The symptoms are sudden and widespread hair loss while the cat is pregnant and breastfeeding.

Psychogenic Dermatitis (neurogenic)

Psychological problems may also lead to the loss of cat feathers. Anxiety, stress and boredom problems are the most common cause. Keep it psychological cats at home, some cats may be stressful when a new family member is ignorant of him.


Cat hair loss is caused by an infection against some types of fungi that are also often encountered. Infection symptoms include crusty skin surfaces, itching, and hair loss. If not resolved immediately, this ringworm can spread to various skin surfaces and expand hair loss.

Martine Coppens (1956 – present, Belgian) at The Great Cat
Martine Coppens (1956 – present, Belgian) at The Great Cat
Martine Coppens (1956 – present, Belgian) at The Great Cat
Martine Coppens (1956 – present, Belgian) at The Great Cat
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