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Cat Giving Birth Six Kittens That First She Breeding

cat giving birth
cat giving birth

#Cat Giving Birth Six Kittens

So excited when pet have baby at the first time at the home young female cat pet giving huge number of kittens there are giving birth six baby kittens on my home. The sign to breeding is she has look confused view days ago she seem walk around to find something in the house I never know what to do but the cat know what happen she want to giving birth on the save place no one see her when breeding process.

#Find Out Guide for Cat Breeding

I searching on internet for information about cat breeding usual pregnant cat behaviour when the days close to breeding they looking for good hide place to giving birth because the baby cat old 1-15 is so vulnerable to male cat. Cat family behaviour male cat won’t any competitor come to his territory area so that why they find and kill any baby male cat by eating its.
So far, when the breeding view days ago there are the baby birth six but on day 9 one of kittens dead we don’t know why. On the day before we found the baby kittens dead the mother cat get out with meow so loud thats I think the sign to get off the dead body or tell us to move out the baby from the room.
I took all the baby and the cat follow to new room and I hope the five kittens growing fast that can be adopted to our neighbour.

#Here is the video cat giving birth six baby kittens
